Mountain bike & e-bike tours in Brixen Bike holidays in Brixen - Südtirol

SCHLOSS RODENEGG - Hotel KRONE eat drink stay

SCHLOSS RODENEGG Mountain bike tour Brixen, Brixen

37 km / 830 hm
Anratterhütte - Hotel Jonathan

Anratterhütte Mountain bike tour Natz/Schabs, Brixen

35 km / 1.300 hm
Keschtnweg - Hotel KRONE eat drink stay

Keschtnweg Mountain bike tour Brixen, Brixen

29 km / 680 hm

PEITLERKOFELUMRUNDUNG Mountain bike tour Brixen, Brixen

63 km / 2.190 hm
Roner Hütte Tour - Hotel Jonathan

Roner Hütte Tour Mountain bike tour Natz/Schabs, Brixen

36 km / 1.590 hm

VILLNÖSSER PANORAMA TOUR Mountain bike tour Brixen, Brixen

29 km / 1.310 hm
Brixen Tour - Hotel Jonathan

Brixen Tour Mountain bike tour Natz/Schabs, Brixen

30 km / 750 hm
Runde am Hochplateau von Natz - Hotel Jonathan

Runde am Hochplateau von Natz Mountain bike tour Natz/Schabs, Brixen

10 km / 160 hm
Rienzbrücken Tour - Hotel Jonathan

Rienzbrücken Tour Mountain bike tour Natz/Schabs, Brixen

27 km / 850 hm
SPINGES - Hotel KRONE eat drink stay

SPINGES Mountain bike tour Brixen, Brixen

25 km / 620 hm

What does the mountain bike expert say?

Toni & Tobias Überbacher Hotel Jonathan

"We try to understand what the mountain biker wants, what they can handle physically and technically, and then we choose the right route. As trained bike guides, we practically accompany all tours personally, leading the group carefully and responsibly to their destination."

to the bike-competence

Alex Resch Hotel KRONE - eat drink stay

Apart from guided tours and attractive bike packages, you can also look forward to the full carefree programme: Wolfi and I as experienced bike guides, bike wash, lockable bike depot with repair shop, a tour information desk and of course detailed maps, tour descriptions and GPS downloads. And last but not least, super insider tips from the pros. My guide Wolfi and I are already looking forward to talking shop and biking on the fantastic trails of Brixen together with you.

to the bike-competence

2 Bike accomodations in Brixen

Hotel Jonathan

Hotel Jonathan  Italy / South Tyrol / Natz/Schabs

from € 101,00 p.P.
Hotel KRONE eat drink stay

Hotel KRONE eat drink stay  Italy / South Tyrol / Brixen

from € 87,00 p.P.
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